Dance Through Life With Enthusiasm By Connecting To Your Inner Core

Click Here For More Specific Information On: Ballet Dance Classes For Kids Dance Through Life with Enthusiasm by Connecting to Your Inner Core by Liz Fletcher Brown What if, no matter how challenging life became, there was a way to keep your balance, vitality and enthusiasm in the dance of life? Well you can and you do it by connecting to your core. So what is your core? Your core is your true powerhouse? Your core is the essence of who you are. It is the place that is always…

O.J. Simpson named suspect in robbery

Friday, September 14, 2007 Reports say that O.J. Simpson, a former American football player is a suspect in a robbery that took place on Thursday night at the Palace Station Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas, Nevada. Simpson was not immediately arrested and was later released. He was not a guest at the hotel. Las Vegas Metropolitan Police (LVMPD) began to question Simpson and at least five other people, after they were accused of breaking into a room in the hotel, with at least one of the individuals holding a…
